Can your shirt train you? Tell
you where you are? Alert you to environmental hazards? Monitor your
heart and respiration? . . . Ours can. |
Sensatex's SmartShirt Provides
a Platform for Persistant Biometric and Environmental Monitoring
Sensing Textiles. Wearable.
The SmartShirt System incorporates advances in
textile engineering, wearable computing, and wireless data transfer to
permit the convenient collection, transmission, and analysis of a wide
range of biometric and environmental data. Described as �the shirt
that thinks,� the SmartShirt allows the comfortable measuring and/or monitoring
of individual biometric data, such as heart rate, respiration rate, body
temperature, caloric burn, body fat, and UV exposure.
The flexible data buses that carry the information
are integrated into the Shirt, providing the look and feel of a normal
T-shirt. The modular design of the SmartShirt System allow for the easy
integration of additional sensors and features.
Innovative. Revolutionary.
The data collected by the SmartShirt is routed
to a sub-pager-size SmartShirt Controller (SSC), where the information
is processed, stored, and transmitted. The SSC is placed in a small pocket
on the Shirt. It is a device containihng biometric measurement circuits,
a digital signal processor, and a Bluetooth wireless interface that permits
the secure and private transmission of packaged sensor data to the user�s
display device.
Laundering tests have proven to cause no damage
to the Smart Shirt's information processing capabilities, demonstrating
the extreme durability of the Wearable Motherboard� technology as well
as its true "wearability" as a garment.