Infants can require monitoring for a host of different indications. One of the most common is sleep apnea, defined as a pause in breathing of greater than 20 seconds that may cause an infant to turn blue, choke, or become limp. Preterm infants, which account for 11.4% of newborns every year, are nearly always prescribed home monitoring. This amounts to a market size of approximately 433,200 neonates. Physicians also commonly prescribe monitoring devices to infants with other afflictions, such as gastroesophageal reflux and infantile spasms. The combined market size for these is approximately 86,900 cases every year. New trends in pediatrics are also contributing to an increase in the use of monitoring devices. Infants under one year of age with Influenza or Respiratory Synctial Virus (RSV) are being less frequently detained at the hospital, and more often treated at home with the assistance of an apnea monitor. With 33% of newborns likely to suffer from Influenza before the age of one, and more than twice that number for RSV, the growing trend in medical practice towards home monitoring could make the infant monitoring market potentially very large.